Ankit Rawal Blogs
How your Habits formed & how you become addicted to your irrestible habits.

So here’s why I am going to tell you how your habit’s formed & some bad habits which it becomes quite addictive & irrestible.

When you do something or complete certain number of tasks you feel good & why you feel good it because your brain releases feel good  hormone which is called as “dopamine” morever dopamine is the only hormone which is responsible for your habits which is formed subconsiouly & all your addictions.

How your habits formed through dopamine hormone ?

Suppose there are some packets of chips, soda and fries of on a table which is enough to start to feel crave it’s because the primary goal of food science is to create products that are more attractive to consumers. Nearly every food in your bag, box, or jar has been enhanced in some way, if only with additional flavouring. Companies spend millions to discover the most satisfying level of crunch in a chip or the perfect amount of fizz in a soda.entire department are dedicated to optimizing how a product feels in your mouth– a quality known orosensation. French fries for example are potent combination.

Ultimately such strategies enable food scinetists to find the “bliss point” for each product—the precise combination of salt,sugar and fat that excites your brain(dopamine) and keeps you coming back for more. The result of course is that you overeat because hyperpalatable foods are attractive to the human brain.

How dopamine works

In 1954 when scientists ran an experiment that revealed the neurological process behind cravings and desire. By implanting electrodes in the brain of rats, the researcher blocked the release of dopamine. To the surprise of the scientists, the rats lost all will to live. They wouldn’t eat. They wouldn’t have sex. They didn’t crave anything. Within a few days the rats died of thrist.

When other researcher reversed this process and flooded with dopamine, animals performed habits at breakneck speed. In one study, mice recieved a powerfull hit of dopamine each time they poked their nose in a box. Within minutes, the mice developed cravings so strong they began their nose into the box eight hundred times per hour.

And habita are a dopamine driven. Every habit which are highly habit forming like taking drugs, eating junk food, playing video games , browsing or scrolling social media is associated with higher levels of dopamine.

Why dopamine detox or dopamine fast ?

Dopamine detox is also known as dopamine fast is a method that involves refraining from activities that stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain such as social media, video games & junk food. The idea behind this practice is to give the brain a break from constant stimulation, allowing it to reset & restore it’s natural balance.

By taking a break from these activities & allowing our brain to reset , we can retrain it to function more efficiently & increase our productivity. During a dopamine detox , we can focus on activites that don’t rely on external sources of strimulation , such as exercise , reading or spending time in nature. This can help us become more mindfull & present in the moment , which can lead to improved productivity & focus.

In conclusion if we take break from highly formed habits for some time replace with it some good habits which will lead to better fullfilling life.

What sleep deprivation can cost you: The health, mental & professional effects of skimping on sleep.

What happens when you don’t get enough sleep ?

(1) Lack of sleep kills sex drive

For men with sleep deprivation , a respiratory problem that interupts sleep , there may be another factor in the sexual slump, A study published in the journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism in 2002 suggests that many men with sleep deprivation also have low testosterone levels. In the study , nearly half of the men who suffered from severe sleep deprivation also behaving abnormally & low levels of testosterone during night.

Sleep specialist say that sleep-deprivation in men & women report lower libidos & less interest in sex , depleted energy, sleepiness & increase tension may be largely to blame.

(2) Lack of sleep is depressing

One time , lack of sleep & sleep deprivation can contribute to the symptoms of depression.

The most common sleep disorders , strongest link to depression. In 2007 study of 10’000 people, those were having sleep deprivation they were five times as likely to develop depression as those without. In fact , sleep deprivation is often one of the first symptoms of depression.

Sleep deprivation & depression feed on each other. Sleep loss often aggregates the symptoms of depression & depression can make it more difficult to fall asleep. On the beneficiary side treating sleep problems can help depression & it’s symptoms or vice versa.

Causes of sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation can be caused by a wide range of factors here are some of the most common causes:

(1) Mental health disorders:

Mental health conditions such as depression , anxiety & post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) can interfere with sleep & cause sleep deprivation.

(2) Environmental factors:

External factors such as noise , light , temperature or an uncomfortable bed or pillow can all contribute to sleep deprivation.

(3) Work related factors:

People who work night shifts, rotating shifts, or irregular hours often experience sleep deprivation due to disruptions in their natural sleepwake cycles.

It’s important to note that some individuals may experience sleep deprivation as a result of a combination of these factors. In many cases , making lifestyle changes or seeking medical treatment can help alleviate symptoms of sleep deprivation.

Some home treatment.

Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on both physical & mental health. Here are some solutions that can help improve sleep

(1) Stick to a consistent sleep schedule:

Try to go to bed & wake up at some time every day ,including weekends. This will help regulate your body’s internal clock & promote better sleep.

(2) Create a relaxing sleep environment:

Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark & coal. Consider using ear plugs or a white noise machine to block out any external noise

(3) Avoid stimulants:

Avoid caffeine, nicotine & alchohol, especially in the afternoon & evening. These substance can interfere with your ability to fall asleep & stay asleep.

(4) establish a bed time routine:

Develoaping a relaxing bedtime routine that you can follow every night. This might include taking a warm bath, reading a book , or practicing relaxation techniques like mediation or deep breathing.

(5) Avoid electronics before bed:

The blue emitted by electronic devices like smartphones tablets & computer can disrupt your sleep. Try to avoid using these devices for at least on hour before bedtime

Remember , getting enough sleep quality sleep is essential for your health & well being. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you are struggling with sleep deprivation.